In this virtual showcase we present items, which are rarer, or perhaps even unique, in Finnish or international webshops - try googling them! Items are from all kind of literature genres and they are organized by their author/name of the publication. If you find something interesting, you can ask for more details or pictures using the form below...
Veli Giovanni: Kalle Viksari hoitaa puutarhaa
70.00 €
On the shelf, in our store
Veli Giovanni: Kalle Viksari siivoaa
20.00 €
On the shelf, in our store
Veli Giovanni: Kalle Viksari luistelee
70.00 €
On the shelf, in our store
Alho Asmo: Porsas Urhea - Kultainen koti - uusi sarja
80.00 €
On the shelf, in our store
Alho Asmo: Kieku ja Kaiku No 12
100.00 €
Not in stock at the moment :-(
Alho Asmo: Jussi
100.00 €
On the shelf, in our store
Ratsupoliisi King (1948)
100.00 €
On the shelf, in our store
Domenech Ignasi: La teca - La veritable cuina casolana de Catalunya
20.00 €
On the shelf, in our store
Foster Alan Dean: The Thing - The New Classic of Alien Terror
70.00 €
On the shelf, in our store
Banks Iain M.: Pelaaja
100.00 €
On the shelf, in our store
Hitler Adolf: Taisteluni I-II (Mein Kampf) - I Tilinteko, II Kansallissosialistinen liike
320.00 €
On the shelf, in our store
吴九龙 (Wu Jiulong): 孙子校释 (Sunzi Jiaoshi; Sun Tzu Annotations)
150.00 €
On the shelf, in our store